The other option would be the Samsung P981 with 256gb for $79 AUD.

I have read that this one is pretty much the same as the Samsung EVO 960 for a cheaper price.

This one is a Samsung PM961 with 256gb for only $52 AUD. I have found 2 SSDs on ebay that seem to be a good fit for my Mac. This is the second video with the 2015 MacBook Pro and Samsung Evo 960. This is the first video of the 2014 MacBook Pro with the Samsung Evo 970 So it seems that this is pretty much the most they support since the Evo 970 should be able to support speeds up to 3500mb/s. Both show around 1500 mb/s for write and read. One is with a Samsung Evo 970 and the other is a Evo 960. I found two helpful videos on youtube that show the write and read speed for the Mid 2014 and early 2015 MacBook Pro. I think it has something to do with PCIe 3 for the 2015 model and PCIe 2 for the 2014 but I don't know too much about it.
Write speed macbook pro 2013 ssd upgrade#
I read that the 2015 models are easier to upgrade and/or support higher speeds but it's a bit confusing. Now I can't find any information on how much the maximum write and read speed the MacBook Pro (Mid 2014) supports. I would like however max out the read and write speed of my machine. The prices for NVME SSDs came down a lot over the last few years. I believe now is a good time to upgrade the hard drive. This machine has served me really well for almost 6 years. I got the basic Macbook Book Pro Retina 13" (Mid 2014) with the stock 128gb SSD (attached is a screenshot of my current SSD speed).